Friday, April 30, 2010


It seems that my friends who want to comment about my blogs are not able to.Lyn my Friend & I have found a way that will show the comments if you follow the instructions I am going to type but I think you might have to have a Google Account yourself which is free.Here goes.

When you're on the blog.
At the end of the blog you'll find
? Comments.
Click Comments.

Under "Post a Comment"
Type your comment in the text box.


"Comment as" &(in a text box called)"Select profile".Click the "tick"
Drop down the menu & click on "Google Account"

Click on "Post Comment"

"Add profile picture" (heading don't be confused by this.Just keep going)
"Word Verification" code

Copy the code into the text box provided
Click "Post Comment" again

If you did all this it should eventually go to the end of the blog chosen. Good luck!